Course Details

Course Name: Fringe Benefits Tax and Superannuation Guarantee
CPD Hours: 1 Hour
Type: Online/Video
Price: $60 $54

In this webinar:

Fringe Benefits Tax
Employee vs. volunteer vs. independent contractors
Main concessions - FBT exemption and FBT rebate
Capping thresholds
Lodging an FBT return
Other concessions - Including benefits provided by registered religious institutions, not-for-profit companies, live-in residential carers, and car parking
SG general obligations and eligible employees
SG charge.

1. FBT - Quick Refresh
2. Employees
3. Main Concessions
4. Capping Thresholds
4. FBT Exempt Capping Threshold - Example
4. FBT Rebate Capping Threshold Calculation
5. Lodging a Fringe Benefits Tax Return
6. Other Concessions
7. Tax Exempt Body Entertainment
Superannuation Guarantee - Main Issues
1. Superannuation Guarantee Obligations of NFP Organisations
2. Eligible Employees and Exceptions
3. Paying Super and Cut Off Dates
4. Superannuation Guarantee Charge
